Premium S-3000 Inch Adapter Sleeves for Industrial Applications

AISI standard-compliant SNW/SNP series adapter sleeves with comprehensive sizing options from S-3024 to S-32/750

S-3000 Inch Adapter Sleeves - SNW/SNP Inch Adapter Sleeves
  • S-3000 Inch Adapter Sleeves - SNW/SNP Inch Adapter Sleeves

S-3000 Inch Adapter Sleeves

SNW/SNP US Size Adapter Sleeves are with dimensions in accordance with AISI standard, with lock nuts and lock washer or lock plate. Chin Sing SNW/SNP series products include US size adapter sleeves, inch lock nuts, inch lock washer, and inch lock plate.

Chin Sing provides bearing sleeves that can reach longitude 1:12/ 2° 23° 9'4, density 7.85g/mm, hardness HRB standard, SNW/SNP series sleeves conform to American standards. If you have American production requirements, Chin Sing is able to comply with U.S. production. Please visit our product description page to learn more about our SNW/SNP series standard sleeves.


S-3024, S-3026, S-3028, S-3030, S-3032, S-3034, S-3036, S-3038, S-3040, S-3044, S-3048, S-3052, S-3056, S-3060, S-3064, S-3068, S-3072, S-3076, S-3080, S-3084, S-3088, S-3092, S-3096, S-30/500, S-30/530, S-30/560, S-30/600, S-30/630, S-30/670, S-30/710, S-30/750, S-30/800, S-30/850, S-30/900, S-30/950

S-3156, S-3160, S-3164, S-3168, S-3172, S-3176, S-3180, S-3184, S-3186, S-3192, S-3196, S-31/500, S-31/530, S-31/560, S-31/600, S-31/630, S-31/670, S-31/710, S-31/750, S-31/800, S-31/850

S-3256, S-3260, S-3264, S-3268, S-3272, S-3276, S-3280, S-3284, S-3288, S-3292, S-3296, S-32/500, S-32/530, S-32/560, S-32/600, S-32/630, S-32/670, S-32/710, S-32/750


S-3000 Inch Adapter Sleeves Drawing

Adapter Sleeve Dimension (Inches) - S-3000
Sleeve Number Sleeve Bore Dia Diameter to Sharp Corner Length Major Diameter Threads No. per Inch G Slot Width Relief Lockplate Slot
d A L B F J H P T
max min min max K1 M1 max min max min min min
S-3024 4.192 4.89 2.937 4.716 12 1.26 0.428
S-3026 4.442 5.304 3.227 5.106 12 1.323 0.552 0.28 0.13
S-3028 4.942 5.701 3.33 5.497 12 1.385 0.74
S-3030 5.192 6.105 3.482 5.888 12 1.416 0.74 0.28 0.13
S-3032 5.442 6.512 3.701 6.284 8 1.478 0.74 0.28 0.13
S-3034 5.942 6.929 4.009 6.659 8 1.51 0.865
S-3036 6.442 7.346 4.327 7.066 8 1.541 0.865
S-3038 6.942 7.744 4.402 7.472 8 1.604 0.865
S-3040 7.192 8.161 4.74 7.847 8 1.666 0.99
S-3044 7.942 8.976 5.12 8.628 8 1.76 0.99
S-3048 8.942 9.771 5.422 9.442 6 1.978 0.302 1.13 0.5
S-3052 9.444 10.6 6.009 10.192 6 2.135 0.302 1.19 0.5
S-3056 10.444 11.394 6.181 11.004 6 2.229 0.302 1.25 0.5
S-3060 10.944 12.221 6.717 11.785 6 2.291 0.302 1.38 0.5
S-3064 11.944 13.02 6.936 12.562 6 2.385 0.302 1.44 0.5
S-3068 12.444 13.847 7.533 13.303 5 2.541 0.302 1.5 0.5
S-3072 13.444 14.639 7.569 14.134 5 2.541 0.365 1.5 0.5
S-3076 13.944 15.43 7.733 14.921 5 2.666 0.365 1.5 0.5
S-3080 15.006 16.26 8.401 15.709 5 2.823 0.365 1.63 0.5
S-3084 15.756 17.056 8.488 16.496 5 2.823 0.365 1.63 0.5
S-3088 16.506 17.868 9.1 17.283 5 3.228 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-3092 17.006 18.675 9.336 18.071 5 3.228 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-3096 18.006 19.469 9.446 18.858 5 3.26 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-30/500 18.506 20.263 9.838 19.646 5 3.573 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-30/530 19.506 21.507 10.579 20.827 4 3.573 0.49 1.81 0.5
S-30/560 21.006 22.721 11.222 22.008 4 3.823 0.49 1.81 0.5
S-30/600 22.006 24.316 11.451 23.583 4 3.916 0.49 1.81 0.5
S-30/630 24.006 25.537 11.924 24.764 4 3.916 0.49 2 0.5
S-30/670 25.006 27.175 12.835 26.339 4 4.104 0.49 2 0.625
S-30/710 26.506 28.769 13.509 27.914 3 4.541 0.49 2 0.625
S-30/750 28.006 30.394 14.093 29.489 3 4.541 0.49 2 0.625
S-30/800 29.506 32.389 14.408 31.457 3 4.541 0.49 2 0.625
S-30/850 31.506 34.407 14.991 33.426 3 4.573 0.49 2 0.625
S-30/900 33.506 36.402 15.681 35.394 3 4.948 0.49 2 0.625
S-30/950 36.506 38.438 16.492 37.363 3 4.948 0.49 2 0.625
Sleeve Number Sleeve Bore Dia Diameter to Sharp Corner Length Major Diameter Threads No. per Inch G Slot Width Relief Lockplate Slot
d A L B F J H P T
max min min max K1 M1 max min max min min min
S-3156 10.444 11.526 7.756 11.004 6 2.229 0.302 1.25 0.5
S-3160 10.944 12.359 8.37 11.785 6 2.291 0.302 1.38 0.5
S-3164 11.944 13.201 9.101 12.562 6 2.385 0.302 1.44 0.5
S-3168 12.444 14.034 9.777 13.303 5 2.541 0.302 1.5 0.5
S-3172 13.444 14.829 9.852 14.134 5 2.541 0.365 1.5 0.5
S-3176 13.944 15.623 10.056 14.921 5 2.666 0.365 1.5 0.5
S-3180 15.006 16.43 10.449 15.709 5 2.885 0.365 1.63 0.5
S-3184 15.756 17.298 11.402 16.496 5 2.948 0.365 1.63 0.5
S-3188 16.506 18.094 11.817 17.283 5 3.228 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-3192 17.006 18.928 12.368 18.071 5 3.323 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-3196 18.006 19.741 12.714 18.858 5 3.354 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-31/500 18.506 20.581 13.657 19.646 5 3.666 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-31/530 19.506 21.793 14.004 20.827 4 3.666 0.49 1.81 0.5
S-31/560 21.006 23 14.569 22.008 4 3.916 0.49 1.81 0.5
S-31/600 22.006 24.644 15.388 23.583 4 3.916 0.49 1.81 0.5
S-31/630 24.006 25.875 15.979 24.764 4 3.916 0.49 2 0.5
S-31/670 25.006 27.522 17.008 26.339 4 4.104 0.49 2 0.625
S-31/710 26.506 29.127 17.801 27.914 3 4.635 0.49 2 0.625
S-31/750 28.006 30.771 18.62 29.489 3 4.635 0.49 2 0.625
S-31/800 29.506 32.772 19.014 31.457 3 4.635 0.49 2 0.625
S-31/850 31.506 34.827 20.03 33.426 3 4.76 0.49 2 0.625
Sleeve Number Sleeve Bore Dia Diameter to Sharp Corner Length Major Diameter Threads No. per Inch Slot Width Relief Lockplate Slot
d A L B F J H P T
max min min max K1 M1 min max min min min
S-3256 10.444 11.624 8.937 11.004 6 0.302 1.25 0.5
S-3260 10.944 12.464 9.63 11.785 6 0.302 1.38 0.5
S-3264 11.944 13.306 10.361 12.562 6 0.302 1.44 0.5
S-3268 12.444 14.146 11.116 13.303 5 0.302 1.5 0.5
S-3272 13.444 14.96 11.427 14.134 5 0.365 1.5 0.5
S-3276 13.944 15.774 11.867 14.921 5 0.365 1.5 0.5
S-3280 15.006 16.614 12.654 15.709 5 0.365 1.63 0.5
S-3284 15.756 17.456 13.292 16.496 5 0.365 1.63 0.5
S-3288 16.506 18.271 13.943 17.283 5 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-3292 17.006 19.111 14.573 18.071 5 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-3296 18.006 19.945 15.155 18.858 5 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-32/500 18.506 20.817 16.491 19.646 5 0.365 1.81 0.5
S-32/530 19.506 22.065 17.271 20.827 4 0.49 1.81 0.5
S-32/560 21.006 23.279 17.915 22.008 4 0.49 1.81 0.5
S-32/600 22.006 24.933 18.853 23.583 4 0.49 1.81 0.5
S-32/630 24.006 26.193 19.798 24.764 4 0.49 2 0.5
S-32/670 25.006 27.857 21.024 26.339 4 0.49 2 0.625
S-32/710 26.506 29.471 21.935 27.914 3 0.49 2 0.625
S-32/750 28.006 31.132 22.982 29.489 3 0.49 2 0.625
Spec. of S-3000
Spec. of S-3000

Spec. of S-3024, S-3026, S-3028, S-3030, S-3032, S-3034, S-3036, S-3038, S-3040, S-3044, S-3048, S-3052, S-3056, S-3060, S-3064, S-3068, S-3072, S-3076,...


How do CS S-3000 Inch Adapter Sleeves ensure compliance with American manufacturing standards?

Our S-3000 series adapter sleeves are manufactured precisely to AISI standards with longitudinal precision of 1:12/2° 23′ 9″4 and density of 7.85g/mm. Each sleeve undergoes rigorous quality control to maintain HRB standard hardness and exact dimensional specifications, ensuring perfect compatibility with US-standard bearings and machinery. With complete documentation and full dimensional tables available for download, we guarantee that our SNW/SNP series adapter sleeves meet all American production requirements for your critical applications.

Available in an extensive range of models from S-3024 to S-32/750, our inch adapter sleeves are manufactured in Taiwan with 33 years of industry expertise. Each sleeve is crafted to exact specifications with carefully controlled dimensions, including sleeve bore diameter, length, major diameter, and thread specifications. The complete S-3000 series encompasses three sub-categories (S30, S31, S32) to accommodate various shaft sizes and load requirements, making them ideal for American standard machinery and equipment in manufacturing, mining, and heavy industrial applications.